查看完整版本: What do think of interracial sex

xiaogu00fa 2011-3-3 18:17

What do think of interracial sex

Have you ever had sex with other race? Will you try it?
I ask the question because some experience of myself. I had a white girlfriend from Derby Country, Britain when i was late 16 and she was 15.
We haven't had sex for i was afraid that both of us were too young. Then we broke up 1year later, so haven't make love with a foreigner.
Have you got da exp of sex with other race? Fun or awful?

sxl52521 2011-3-3 19:47

I once took a piece of candy into the vagina after his girlfriend.

zcbm1000 2011-3-5 13:15

这是什么啊  看不懂   有谁翻译一下啊

StupidJunk 2011-3-23 11:00

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therook 2011-3-24 11:17

i want to either ban it completely or have a chance to participate!

oh, wait, that's corruption. never mind.

cmyabcdef 2011-3-26 17:20

i have made love with other countries girls

1355067783 2011-3-27 14:03

i love my wife very much

voyeur123 2011-3-27 14:43

this thread is kinda racism.

Anthony50 2011-4-14 03:20

Depends how you look at it. If you want just sex, you can pay for it and you can have white, black, yellow ...  what ever color skin you want.

qdyh888 2011-4-16 13:03

:faint , Never have the chace, If possible all ones may want to try about it

heysora 2011-4-19 13:40

i think that is the best fantasy

i think that is the best fantasy

augsec 2011-4-21 22:15

It is fun,I want to try as well,I like russian girl

000900 2011-4-28 04:19

回复 5楼 的帖子

hah..you must be a Asian! i like to have sex with the girls from my country, because i can only love such girls as the same culture.

jimobanzhegudu 2011-4-28 05:19

HI dude you just think to much  relax  relax ,,,,,,

jimobanzhegudu 2011-4-28 05:20

by the way  i dont have any ex that f**k with other race ,,.,..,,..

52fc 2011-5-21 22:18

If you two really love each other,i dont think it's a problem whether having sex with the same race people or not.What,s so different?

adminssions 2011-5-23 07:24

[quote]Original posted by [i]Anthony50[/i] at 2011-4-14 03:20 [url=http://sexinsex.net/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=70327274&ptid=3715748][img]http://sexinsex.net/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Depends how you look at it. If you want just sex, you can pay for it and you can have white, black, yellow ...  what ever color skin you want. [/quote]
Yeah. I agreed with you. Paid you can have what ever type you want.

shkjm 2011-5-25 22:13

Oh I don't have that chance But I think it is awful

jo32 2011-5-26 03:32

I've never thought of that, because I love my girl friend and she is an Asian too.

dumbfrog 2011-5-26 21:11

sometime they r too tall and too big for me
i like skinny ones
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